The project activity is a 4.9 MW Small Hydro Electric Project in Nashik District of Maharashtra. The project has already been commissioned in the village Nandgaon of Nashik district in the state of Maharashtra (India). The project activity was designed to displace the estimated annual net electricity generation i.e., 24,222 MWh from the Indian grid, expected to generate ERs of about 21,800 tCO2e/year. The project also contributes to sustainable development in the region by various SD activities.
Carbon Credits
Registered Projects
Verified Projects
Total Credits
UCR enables the flow of environmental finance directly, to those who can least afford it- the small rural green project owner. UCR enables true carbon and water price discovery based on the utility of the underlying asset and assists in creation of non-fungible carbon and water offset tokens that can be seamlessly integrated into any smart contract or blockchain ecosystem seeking to negate its carbon or water footprint or showcase ESG credentials
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